Friday, June 25, 2010

End of the Week

I know it's not quite the end of the week yet, but I'm going to be pretty busy tomorrow, so here goes.

This week, I have tried to stay around 1800-1900 calories. Not a range that is normally ideal for losing weight, but dipping under 1800 is a bad plan when you're nursing. I've also tried to do some form of exercise every day - mostly running, although I've also done a couple of workout DVDs.

I've also discovered Calorie Count not only is an awesome source for the nutrition facts of everything, but also allows you to create a free account and track your calories, exercise, and weight loss. So that's awesome.

And I switched to drinking primarily water, which is hard on me, because I don't like the taste - or lack thereof - of water.


This morning, when I weighed in I was...drumroll, please...four pounds down from last week. Whoo hoo!

That's kind of a lot for a week, but I think it's because I just started making these changes. In the next couple weeks, my weight loss will probably stabilize, and I'll lose less per week. Calorie Count said I should aim to hit my target by December, but, man, I'm hoping it's earlier than that!

I know I said I was going to do a picture a week, but I'm all grungy today, so I'll post one with my next blog, ok?

Week recap: 26 pounds to pre-pregnancy weight, 36 pounds to goal.

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